
Loopy is a puzzle game where you have to connect each field so that all fields get connected with just one line which itself forms a “circle”.

Connectors connect two fields and come in 6 different shapes.

There are 11 levels. Most of them are easy and teach you how to use the game. The final levels get harder. Nevertheless, it is not top hard too hard, as you can get thought the levels by trial and error.

How to play

Place the connectors using the controls described below. If you successfully formed a line, that connects all fields, you will be notified to press any key so you can continue with the next levels.


  • Use W, A, S, D to move the cursor. 
  • To choose the connector directly, you can use the keys: U, I, J, K for the circle segments and O, L for the straight lines.  
  • Alternatively, you can swap the currently selected connector with G and H. With space or return you can actually use the selected connector. 


Logiker … Code, Gfx 
Wil ………. Sfx, Support

Thanks to Carl-Henrik (Space Moguls) for his help to auto load the BASIC part of the game!

This game is has been entered in the The C64 'Cassette 50' Charity Competition.


Loopy.pdf 100 kB
Loopy.prg 3.3 kB

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